What We Do > Disability Rights—Special Education

The evidence of the Americans with Disabilities Act is everywhere: Handicap parking spaces, Braille instructions on ATM's, and ramps built into sidewalks. The ACLU continues to fight for the civil rights of the disabled Americans.


ACLU of Puerto Rico joined prevailing apellee with disabilities in ADA action against the University of Puerto Rico.  Read Amicus Brief (pdf) and Opinion (pdf) of the United States Court of Appeals (1st  Cir. 2006) in Toledo v. Sanchez, et al.


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© ACLU of Puerto Rico National Chapter

Union Plaza, Ste 205 | 416 Ave. Ponce de León | San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918
Teléfono: 787-753-8493 | Fax: 787-753-4268
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