What We Do > Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights

The Lesbian & Gay Rights Project fights discrimination and moves public opinion on LGBT rights through the courts, legislatures and public education.

The ACLU of PR and the National ACLU Lesbian & Gay Rights Project were to appear as Amici in the 2005 case which was on reconsideration. The order denies the petitioner's request for reconsideration of a previous Supreme Court decision which confirms the government's denial to register her sex change.

The following documents are in Spanish.

ACLU of Puerto Rico filed Notice of Appearance before the Puerto Rico Supreme Court in case involving rights of person that had undergone sex reassignment.

Read Motion of Appearance (PDF) and final Opinion (PDF) of the Puerto Rico Supreme Court (2005) in Ex Parte Alexis Delgado Hernandez.



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Teléfono: 787-753-8493 | Fax: 787-753-4268
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